Monday, June 9, 2008

Sir Will has a blog......

A couple of months ago, sir will decided to have a blog to seek revenge on me.......

Well, it seems he only has two posts in his blog and they aren't even real

I spoke to him one fine night and this was what he said on msn....:

kelvin - says:

kelvin - says:

AJIn -W!LL says: (Sir will)

AJIn -W!LL says:
wtf i duno anything

Even he admits he doesn't know anything...............

Miss Ng, you look so cute!

i googled miss Ng and this was what i found lol...........

speaking of miss Ng a few S1 idiots such as kin fai, norris and tneh and those bastards found a table that had this specialist mathematics working written on it:

Miss Ng = Not Shit ------equation 1
Not Miss Ng = Shit -------equation 2

Equation 1 + equation 2 ----->>>> Miss Ng + Not Miss Ng = Not Shit + Shit
Miss Ng ( 1 + Not) = Shit (Not + 1)
Thus, Miss Ng = Shit

i dunno who the guy who wrote this is, or which miss Ng he is referring to , but i gotta admit he is a genius..........

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